The Jean-Léon Allie Library has begun a project to create a "living library" containing testimonials from members of the university community about their experiences at Saint Paul University. Whether you're a student, alumni, or employee, we would like to invite you to submit a short video sharing your SPU story, and how the university has impacted your life. This video will be shared here for others to see and interact with.  

Your participation in this project would be appreciated and would make a positive impact on our community. 

If you are interested and available to participate, you can submit your testimonial from wherever you are in the world. If you are in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, feel free to come to the library if you want us to help you film your video. We can also provide prompt questions to get you started. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to submit your video: or 613-236-1393 ext. 2357 / 1-800-637-6859 ext. 2357.